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Word List Button
Word List Button
Word List Button

Lesson 49

  • Lesson Content

  • て form む/ふ/ぬ

  • てもいいです

  • てもいいですか

Warm up!

Read and translate the following sentences:

  • 今日は暑いですね。


  • It is hot today.

  • 古いきっさてんで友達とお茶を飲みます。


  • I drink tea with friends at the old tearoom.

て form:


Verb Animation

And tah dah! You have the form!


Click the correct conjunction!

Be careful! If you choose wrong, you’ll go back to the previous question!

Question 1: 飲む
英語: Food
ひらがな: のむ
  • てもいいです。

    You may…

  • To give permission in 日本語

    We can use てもいいです。Let’s break it down.

  • In Japanese, いい means good.

    Verbてもいいです roughly translates to ‘It is okay to do the action’.

  • クラスで水を飲んでもいいです。


  • Many opt to translate it to ‘may’.

    For example: You may drink water in class.

  • てもいいですか。

    May I?

  • To ask permission in 日本語

    We can use てもいいです。Let’s look at an example.

  • クラスでコーヒーを飲んでもいいですか。


  • Many opt to translate it to ‘may I’.

    For example: May I drink coffee I’m class?


Translate the following sentences, then click ‘英語’ to check your answer!

Translation Button
Is it okay if/ can I buy a new bag?
Is it okay to/ can we talk here?
Is it okay to/ can I drink sake in the cinema?
あのカフェが 大好きだいすきです。よく、 お父さんおとうさんとカフェに 行きますいきます
I love that cafe. I often go with my father.

Lesson Check List

Japanese Learning Checklist