Book a Session:

ぎん/은색 (silver)

Standard Tutoring, we go through the PowerPoints together at a pace that suits you!

  • Homework sheets

  • Relevant YouTube links

きん/금색 (Gold)

Standard Tutoring, we go through the PowerPoints together at a pace that suits you!

  • Kanji worksheets (Japanese)

  • Word list sheets

  • 15 minute writing Homework

  • 1* PowerPoint

  • Study games (beta)

  • Relevant YouTube links

Study Kits:

  • The Study Kit times are 30 minutes. The sessions are more intense than the standard tutoring sessions, so we’ve found shorter is better for concentration.

  • These classes were created with the aim of cutting out writing time (writing tasks, word lists, grammar notes, kanji) in class, allowing us to focus on practice. They require you to study the grammar via study kits before the classes so I can test you knowledge and understanding in session.

  • The study kits are made in a way that they will be cheaper than studying at the same pace with full tutoring sessions. All feedback has been fantastic, and they’ve become more popular than regular tutoring sessions. The study kits cover the entirety of N5 (words, grammar and Kanji) so you’ll be on track to take the language proficiency test if that’s your goal!

  • Each kit takes roughly 10-20 hours to make from start to finish, and are then periodically updated with new content such as work sheets and quizzes!

  • The average time to finish a lesson after Lesson 10 during private tutoring sessions is roughly 1.5 hours. Therefore, a pace of 1 study kit per week is usually faster!

  • You’ll also receive study games (beta) each week to help you practice. All the games are made for the course and are relating to the things we study in class.

  • For the average student, the gold kit is the equivalent of the 1 hour silver kit, the main difference being. The gold kits take a lot more work on my end to create (games, work sheets) so the pricing is set to save the student money but also account for the work needed to create the out of class content.

Extra notes:

Please do not share my content without my permission! Each lesson has hours upon hours of planning and creation put in!

Cancellation Policy and FAQ:

  • I’m a big believer that studying a language with somebody is can really help the pace you improve at, and having somebody to encourage you to keep on studying can help your through the rough patches! Therefore I offer I slightly discounted rate if you’d like to add somebody to your package! You will both have access to the guided study kits, and will be able to take the tutoring session together with me!

    Silver: £7/12/16 pp

    Gold: £10

  • Booking is via setmore! Once you book a lesson and I receive the email confirmation, I’ll send over the study kits! Please be aware I may be out of office at the time of booking, so it may not be instant!

    On your side, setmore is easy to cancel/reschedule, so you won’t have to worry if you’re cancelling within the given time! On my side, It’s helpful if you could book the next lesson before I send over your PowerPoints. This way I know how many new study packs to send you from your booking, and I know you have a lesson scheduled in!

    If your scheduling lessons for the same time each week, you’ll have to pay via stripe as it handles reoccurring payments!

  • You can reschedule your lesson 24 hours or more before the lesson starts (once per lesson). I’m usually happy to send you extra study sheets if you can’t make your lesson with less than 24 hours notice!

    If I have to reschedule, you will receive your full Lesson on the new agreed upon date.

    You cannot cancel a lesson that has been rescheduled with less than 24 hours notice, to avoid people rescheduling to give themselves more than 24 hours, then cancelling.

    In some situations I will allow late rescheduling up to 12 hours before the class, however the class will have 1/4 of the time cut.

    In some situations I will allow late rescheduling up to 6 hours before class, however the class will have 1/2 of the time cut.

  • You can cancel your lesson 24 hours or more before the lesson starts.

    After 24 hours, you cannot cancel. You cannot cancel a lesson that has been rescheduled with less than 24 hours notice, to avoid people rescheduling to give themselves more than 24 hours, then cancelling.

    I will never offer a cancellation over a rescheduling, as this would not make sense for either party. If a situation were to occur that you decided not to continue with classes after I have cancelled a class you will receive:

    I’m usually happy to send you extra study pages or content for the lesson you missed.

  • If I miss a lesson, you will be offered a refund, or rescheduling and discount on your next lesson.

    If you miss the lesson, you will be charged the full amount as Ive lost the work slot. You can choose to book an extra session to make up for it, or move straight onto booking a new package of PowerPoints + lesson.