
An introduction to Kanji

Understanding how Kanji works becomes a lot easier as you study Japanese! I’m about to dump a lot of information on you, so if it’s a lot to process my advice is, learn by doing!

The Breakdown

Let’s look at the details and break them down one by one.

Below is a typical kanji study table we’ll use in class. In this example version, each element is labeled. Below the table, you can find a description of each element.

Day, Sun
ニチ、Class: カタカナRomaji: nichiジツClass: カタカナRomaji: jitsu
Class: ひらがなRomaji: hi, Class: ひらがなRomaji: bi

Japan 日本nihon
Japanese 日本語nihongo

How to use Kanji

Below we have 2 kanji that we will be using in our examples.

Click the readings to see the romanisation.

Day, Sun Book, Origin
ニチ、Class: カタカナRomaji: nichiジツClass: カタカナRomaji: jitsu ホンClass: カタカナRomaji: hon
ひ、び、かClass: hiraganaRomaji: hi, bi, ka もとClass: hiraganaRomaji: moto

Note: I am using the Kanji in relation to an English sentence as we’ve not yet studied Japanese sentences.

Why learn On’yomi and Kun’yomi?

So why use kanji if they’re difficult?

Well… They make reading Japanese easier.

Japanese does not use spaces, making it hard to read when it’s all in hiragana. By putting Kanji in it becomes quicker and easier to read.

Let’s see an example, with emojis representing kanji.



You mentioned having some of the kanji readings hidden?

You’ll come across this on the next page where we study this weeks kanji!

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