Counting to 100

In 三 steps!

You only need to know 11 words to count to 100

Step 一


First, let’s look at 11-19!

Combine 10 (jyuu) with the appropriate single digit number, as demonstrated below!

Number Animation
jyuu ichi

Let’s Practice!

Mini Game Rules

You have 百二十 seconds to answer as many questions as possible!

Type the number displayed in romanised characters or hiragana!

Once a correct answer has been typed, it will automatically move to the next question.

The hint button will show the answer for 5 seconds!

時間: 02:00

Step 二

Counting in 10’s

Now, let’s look at ‘the 10’s’!

Here’s the formula!

  • Twenty is ‘two tens’, so it’s ‘ni jyuu

  • Ten alone is still just ‘jyuu’, not ‘ichi Jyuu’


Sometimes getting the order right can be difficult, particularly similar numbers such as 13 and 30. So…

Lets practice!

Simple Quiz Game

Step 三

The full 100!

Finally, let’s combine what we’ve learnt in the first 2 steps!

  • Like in English, we say the bigger number first, for example ‘Fourty-four’.

  • We then add the single digit onto the end, for example ‘Sixty-three’.

Let’s see this in action!

jyuu ni

If you can’t quite get it right, you can start by using the chart below to practice!

  • Just follow the chart along from the 10’s to the 0’s.

  • For example, 85 is ‘hachi jyuu’ and ‘go’, and 17 is ‘jyuu’ and ‘nana’.

Hiragana Chart
10's 0's
1. Jyuu Ichi
2. Ni Jyuu Ni
3. San Jyuu San
4. Yon Jyuu Yon
5. Go Jyuu Go
6. Roku Roku
7. Nana Jyuu Nana
8. Hachi Jyuu Hachi
9. Kyuu Jyuu Kyuu
  • You can think of it as fourten rather than fourty to get the right word order.
  • Sixten(60). Seventen(70)...