
なに? なん?

Asking ‘what’ in 日本ご

Warm Up


You have 百二十 seconds to answer as many questions as possible!

Once a correct answer has been typed, it will move to the next question.

The こたえ (answer) button will show each answer for 五 seconds!

Use hiragana/ katakana!

There are 1-2 correct answers for some questions, if your struggling to find an answer, check...

Spelling and grammar

Should it be in Katakana?

Are sentence structures and vocab ones we've learnt in class?

Level Tips

In this exersize...

Japanese names should be in hiragana, Foreign names in Katakana

Sentences can have more than 1 の particle

Does the noun describing a noun need a の between?

時間: 02:00

なん vs なに

...is used when asking questions about a quantity or number. When used like this, it's similar to asking "How many?"
For example:
"なんさいですか?" means "How old are you?" Here, "なん" is used because you're asking about a quantity (years old).
...is used when asking questions about things, objects, or concepts, and seeking to identify or describe something. It's similar to asking "What?"
For example:
"なにいろ?" means "What colour?" Here, "なに" is used because you're asking about a description.
When asking "What is it?", your more likely to use "なんですか" in a formal situation.
For example:

Getting the usage of なん vs なに correct can be difficult! If remembering the usage is difficult, hopefully as we study further you’ll get used to them through habit!

Let’s see some examples!

What is your name?

Question: X のなまえは なんですか。

Answer: X のなまえは (name) です。