
The particle

Marking posession

But first, Revision!

Read the sentence and translate it to Japanese using the boxes. Each box should contain 1 word in hiragana. If your answer is correct, the box will turn green. Once all boxes turn green, a new sentence will appear.

The の particle is used to mark possession.
In the most simple of forms, this means to say ‘My pen’ or ‘Ben’s bag’.
For example:
ジョンRomaji: jonEnglish: JohnClass: KatakanaRomaji: noEnglish: Posession markerClass: hiraganaペンRomaji: penEnglish: PenClass: katakanaですRomaji: desuEnglish: isClass: hiragana
It is Jon’s pen.
For example:
アンナRomaji: annaEnglish: AnnaClass: KatakanaいぬRomaji: inuEnglish: DogClass: Hiraganaです。
It is Anna’s dog.
It often translates well to an 'apostrophe s' (‘s).

Let’s looks at a few words that don’t become ‘’s’.

わたしのRomaji: watashi noEnglish: MyClass: Hiragana
あなたのRomaji: anata noEnglish: YourClass: Hiragana
かれのRomaji: kare noEnglish: HisClass: Hiragana
かのじょのRomaji: kanojo noEnglish: HerClass: Hiragana
Because ‘I’s’ doesn’t sound quite right… 
Translation Button
Is it your cat?
Is it Leila's Pencil?
It is the university students book.

Of/ Of the

When ‘s doesn’t sound right…

When ‘s doesn’t sound right, you can try looking at as ‘of’ or ‘of the’.

Romaji: watashiEnglish: IClass: Kanji日本Romaji: nihonEnglish: JapanClass: Kanji大学Romaji: daigakuEnglish: UniversityClass: Kanji学生Romaji: gakuseiEnglish: StudentClass: Kanjiです。
I am a student of Japan university.
Just a note, if you’re looking at it from an English Language perspective then you’ll need to swap the nouns ‘Japan university’ and ‘Student’ around in your head here! 

Bonus Grammar

One more thing!

Similar to an ‘s in English, we can use の to say “It is Jon’s”, without repeating the noun. For example:


Is it the teacher’s book?


No, it’s mine.


Is the Japanese book Leila’s?


Yes, it’s Leila’s.